Republican News · Thursday 14 February 2002

[An Phoblacht]

Colombia Three walkers brave bad weather


The 40 people who participated in the second Tar Isteach Bogtrotters' sponsored walk in support of the Colombia Three, held on Sunday 11 February, raised more than €3,000. The walkers braved a dreary, cold, wet day to trek the five miles from Bray to Greystones, but even with the bad weather and muddy conditions, everyone seemed to enjoy the afternoon out in the sea air as it was for a worthy cause.

At the La Touche Hotel in Greystones, the walkers dried off and warmed up and were given an update on the latest developments in the case of Martin McCauley, Niall Connolly and Jim Monaghan. Frank Connolly, journalist for the Sunday Business Post and Niall's brother, ran over the details of the legal case being prepared by solicitors here in Ireland and Colombia. He stressed the increasingly dangerous situation for the men and the need for a broader public campaign on their behalf. The situation grows progressively more dire and the need for ongoing and stepped-up fundraising is crucial.

A third walk is in the works for April in the Drogheda area and the Bogtrotters hope to attract participants from up and down the east coast. By April, the weather will hopefully be better and a walk along the Boyne should be a good chance to welcome the warmer weather while also raising much needed funds for the campaign. Keep an eye on Imeachtai for further details.

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