Republican News · Thursday 14 February 2002

[An Phoblacht]


Dublin City Council's Law Department last week began issuing letters threatening legal proceedings against the thousands of householders who have not paid the bin collection charge which was re-introduced by Labour, Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and Green Party Councillors at November's estimates meeting. All four Sinn Féin councillors voted against the charges.

In the letter, Dublin City Council also say they will be seeking full legal costs in relation to all Court proceedings and for the payment of interest at the appropriate rate on all amounts due.

Reacting to the most recent developments in the bin-charge saga, Sinn Féin's Dublin Central candidate, Nicky Kehoe, said:

"For a second year running now thousands of Dubliners are resisting attempts by the State to impose an unjust levy on household waste collection. The people are not fools. They are well aware that they are already taxed for this service, and they are right to refuse paying twice. The issuing of a legal threat is a new low for the Council. It is disgraceful.

"If the Government had any real and meaningful waste management policy they would be tackling the issue of waste reduction by properly taxing big industry for its over-packaging and for its over-production of waste. Household rubbish only accounts for 16% of Dublin's waste. Dublin City Council and the government must take responsibility to implement an environmentally-friendly waste management strategy, and that was before recycling bins were introduced to households. Dublin City Council should now go to the government and seek the full subvention promised since 1977 to pay for the essential services of waste collection, water and sewage, and stop threatening the ordinary citizen."

Dublin Sinn Féin activists intend holding a picket at the next Dublin City Council meeting on Monday 4 March at 6pm outside City Hall to protest the council's actions.

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