
[An Phoblacht]


The Finucanes
will have justice

This week marked the 13th anniversary of the assassination of solicitor Pat Finucane. Since his death, he has been well served by his family and friends. Today, the demands for a full independendent public inquiry into the circumstances of his killing are stronger than ever. more

Republicans and unionists 'must engage'

Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams this week dealt again with the need to include unionists in the new dispensation.

The Abortion Referendum

An Phoblacht offers space in this week's issue to four groups campaigning, alternatively, for and against the latest referendum on abortion.

'I stared death in the face'

A Strabane taxi driver says he stared death in the face after he was confronted by a number of gunmen in a small loyalist village.

Longlands under siege

The residents of Longlands are living on their nerves because of a concerted loyalist onslaught over the years.

Council's 'disgraceful' threats

Dublin City Council has threatened legal proceedings against thousands over the bin collection charge.

Dublin 11 in court

The trial of eleven anti-racists accused under the Public Order Act in relation to a sit in at Bertie Ahern's office on 28 March 2000 was underway this week in Dublin.

The Final Phase

Sinn Féin Chairperson Mitchel Mc Laughlin gave the annual Volunteers Coen and MacManus Memorial Lecture in Sligo on Sunday last.

RUC/PSNI accused

Sinn Féin Councillor Gerard Brophy has lodged an official complaint with the Police Ombudsman after the RUC/PSNI formally cautioned him for riotous behaviour.

RUC anonymity challenged

An application has been made for Judicial Review of the decision to grant screening to the RUC witnesses at the Bloody Sunday Inquiry.

Maghera bomb claim

A UDA unit calling itself the 'South Londonderry Volunteers' has claimed that it planted a bomb in Maghera.

Court challenge to Reid

A Judicial Review is to be taken over Britain' failure to provide an effective investigation into the IRA Volunteer's death.

Teenager in gun threat

A 16-year-old boy from Glengormley says he was lucky to escape with his life after he was confronted by a gunman in Glengormley.

Walkers brave bad weather

Forty people participated in the second Tar Isteach Bogtrotters' sponsored walk in support of the Colombia Three.

The film that refuses to die

The documentary "Injustice" has defied censorship to expose deaths in custody in Britain.

Justice in limbo

Derry filmmaker Ann Crilly launched her new film Limbo at the Bloody Sunday weekend in Derry.

'Has Spring lost the plot?'

Sinn Féin's Martin Ferris has described comments made by Dick Spring at the weekend as "an hysterical rant".

Call for action on 'rip-off'

Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin has supported a motion calling for government action on the spiralling cost of insurance.

Clonakilty cooption row

Cionnaith Ó Súilleabháin has defended his decision to back the cooption of a Fianna Fáil man onto Clonakilty Town Council.

Two selected for Cork South West

Sinn Féin has selected two poll-topping Town Councillors to contest the upcoming General Election in Cork South West.

Adams joins Crowe for campaign launch

Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams was in Dublin South West on Tuesday for the official launch of Councillor Seán Crowe's Leinster House campaign.

McCole stands in North central

Frances McCole has been selected as the Sinn Féin candidate in the constituency of Dublin North Central for the forthcoming general election in the 26 Counties.

Incinerator company granted licence

Meath County Council has been asked to explain why it has granted a recycling franchise to a waste incinerator company.

Ó Caolain supports right to protest masts

Cavan/Monaghan TD Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin has said he supports 'the legitimate right of communities to protest peacefully against mobile phone masts'.

Arthur Morgan criticises Bell

Sinn Féin Louth County Councillor, Arthur Morgan, has criticised Labour TD Michael Bell for demeaning the value of young people's votes.

Corporate failures - who is to blame?

It is hard to tell who was more upset that John Rusnak was not on the run last week - the media or his employers.

Balaclava economics

An open letter from An Phoblacht's Robbie MacGabhann to Progressive Democrat leader Mary Harney.

New face on the block

An Phoblacht's MICK DERRIG visited Pádraig MacLochlainn, who is being co-opted onto Buncrana Urban District Council.

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Basque youth in hunger strike

Stair na hÉireann sna scoileanna


I nDil Chuimhne
