Republican News · Thursday 7 February 2002

[An Phoblacht]

Students attacked by loyalist sledgehammer gang


Loyalists wielding sledgehammers and clubs attacked two students from Queen's University, Belfast on Friday 1 February in their digs in the loyalist Village area. The pair had already abandoned their Fortuna Street accommodation, close to the City Hospital, after the UDA issued threats against them. They were set upon when they returned to collect their belongings between 6.30pm and 7pm on Friday.

One student received a fractured skull, two broken arms and a broken jaw

in the assault. The second student has a broken arm and head injuries.

Students living in and around Queen's are fearful that the attack is the beginning of an open season on all non-locals, particularly students, renting private accommodation.

other Catholic student had already fled his home a couple of streets from Fortuna Street after receiving a threat from the UDA. The threatening letter was left while the students were away on Christmas holidays.

Phoblacht has learned that other students have fled, leaving their possessions behind them. Many are now saying that they will never return to the area, after more received "get out" letters distributed by the UDA.

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