Republican News · Thursday 7 February 2002

[An Phoblacht]

New Lodge Six remembered

A crowd of over 150 people gathered at the Donore Court memorial off the New Lodge Road for the 19th anniversary commemoration of the New Lodge Six: six men from the area shot dead by the British Army and the UDA.

The first two killed were IRA Volunteers James McCann and James Sloan shot by the UDA and it is thought their deaths were designed to provoke the IRA into retaliation so that British Army snipers perched on top of the New Lodge's Artillery Flats could pick them off.

A further four men were killed in the hail of fire directed onto the narrow streets of the area by these snipers. These were Volunteer Tony Campbell and civilians John Loughran, Brendan Maguire and Ambrose Hardy.

Speaking at the commemoration, Sinn Féin's Gerry Kelly called on people to support the efforts of the families in their search for justice.

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