Ó Caoláin campaign kicks off with balloons
Around 400 party activists and supporters packed into an energy-charged hall at the Hillgrove Hotel in Monaghan last Friday evening for the launch of Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin's Leinster House reelection drive. Amid a sea of election posters and green white and orange bunting and balloons, they heard their TD promise that "in this year, 2002, we will have four TDs to join our four MPs".
The confidence of Sinn Féin in advance of the forthcoming general election was palpable, as speaker after speaker spoke of the gains the party has made in recent times and the need to maintain the effort to reap the rewards and move towards a united Ireland. There were many elected representatives present, from Monaghan and Cavan but also from Tyrone, Fermanagh, Armagh, Down, and Louth, reflecting the lack of concern for borders of those present, the constituency's natural hinterland, and the extent of support Cavan and Monaghan republicans can expect to receive during the campaign.
Among those in attendance were MPs Pat Doherty and Michelle Gildernew, party chair Mitchel McLaughlin, his fellow Assembly members Barry McElduff, Conor Murphy, Mick Murphy and Francie Molloy and Cavan Councillor Charlie Boylan. A visiting Noraid delegation, by now regular guests in Monaghan, also dropped in to lend their support.
Mitchel McLaughlin spoke of how the Cavan/Monaghan constituency has always been "at the cutting edge of breakthroughs, whatever the challenge". He spoke of his participation in the campaign in 1981 that saw the election of hunger striker Kieran Doherty and how the experience had deeply affected both himself and his politics. McLughlin also emphasised the effect of Caoimhghín's 1997 Leinster House breakthrough.
"The challenge for us now is to design new politics on this island," he said, "not what has passed for politics up to now in the North or in the 26 Counties."
A huge standing ovation greeted the entrance of the man himself as the warm up speeches came to a close and he was welcomed to the podium by party colleague Brian McKenna.
Ó Caoláin began by thanking "all the very many people who by their hard work and support over the past five years have assisted this TD in what has been a very challenging role as the sole representative of Sinn Féin in Leinster House". He continued:
"We made history in this constituency in 1997 when we won the first Sinn Féin seat in Leinster House in decades. Since then we have elected four MPs - two of whom, Michelle Gildernew and Pat Doherty, are with us here tonight.
"I believe that in this year 2002 we are going to match that achievement in the 26 Counties and that we will have four TDs to join our four MPs. That goal is achievable.
"It has been an honour for me to represent Sinn Féin in Leinster House for the past five years. It has been a great honour also to represent the people of Counties Cavan and Monaghan.
"The retention of the Dáil seat here in Cavan/Monaghan and the election of a team of Sinn Féin TDs in Leinster House will provide a necessary boost to the peace process. As the only truly national party, our increased electoral mandate in the 26 Counties and growing political strength on both sides of the Border will help to ensure the full implementation of the Good Friday Agreement, in particular the All-Ireland aspects. That political strength will be the catalyst for further progressive change on the basis of the equality agenda and it will bring us closer to our ultimate goal of Irish unity and national sovereignty.
"This re-election launch signals our determination in Sinn Féin to not only retain this seat but to increase our mandate. I am seeking an endorsement for almost five years of work on behalf of the people of Counties Cavan and Monaghan, both individually and collectively. At all times I and the Sinn Féin elected team have acted responsibly in the interests of our constituents.
"This will be a very exciting election for Sinn Féin. I believe that the rise of Sinn Féin will be the main talking point of the general election.
"Our political opponents and certain sections of the media have sensed the danger to their cosy positions. They have reverted to the days of demonisation and vilification of republicans in order to thwart our progress and scare the public from supporting our candidates. Let them rant and rave. Let the O'Reilly newspapers print their lies and slanders. We will stand on our record of tireless work and on our progressive republican policies and the people will give their answer.
"The people will give their answer as they gave it with my election in 1997, as they gave their answer with the achievement of 23 seats for Sinn Féin in the local elections in Counties Cavan and Monaghan in 1999, as they gave their answer last year with the defeat of the Nice referendum. And when this long-awaited election is finally called the people will give their answer again and they will endorse Sinn Féin and this TD.
"We have an enormous amount of work ahead of us. We need everyone to lend a hand in this election campaign and beyond. Because, make no mistake, there is no limit to our aspirations. We intend to retain this seat, the first time since the 1920s that our party in this State has done so, and we intend to move on in the following general election to take two seats in Cavan/Monaghan.
"We in this constituency have never allowed our expectations to be lowered and we never will. We are working for the very best for the people of this region. Together we will go forward to an Ireland of Equals, to our goal of lasting peace with justice, Irish unity and freedom for all the Irish people."