Republican News · Thursday 7 February 2002

[An Phoblacht]

Breige Meehan threatened

The RUC/PSNI have told Sinn Féin's Breige Meehan that she is under imminent threat from loyalists.

Ms Meehan's was informed of the loyalist threat to kill her if she goes back to Newtownabbey Council on Monday 4 January.

Meehan was elected as councillor in the Newtownabbey area in last June's council elections, a victory that has incensed loyalist paramilitaries. This isn't the first time she has been threatened. Since last year, the RUC/PSNI have informed Meehan's husband Martin and his son, Martin junior that they are both on 'hit lists'. Last January, the homes of both Martin Meehan junior and his brother were attacked by loyalist gun gangs. Luckily, no one was injured in either attack. An Phoblacht has also been told that four other nationalists living in the Newtownabbey area were warned by the RUC/PSNI that they are under threat from loyalists.

According to Meehan the RUC/PSNI said that a code word had been issued with the threats but they refused to give the her any other details about the threat.

Meanwhile Meehan has told An Phoblacht that the DOE and Translink have agreed to extent the Glengormley bus route along the whole of the Hightown Road.

"That the DOE and Translink have agreed to this is good news for people in Glengormley. It is particularly useful for Catholics living along that road as they are living in fear of loyalist attacks especially at the bottom of the road in Glengormley itself.

"Trevor Lowry and Gavin Brett, who were killed by loyalists in the area last year, were killed on the Hightown Road", said Meehan, "so at least the buses running along the whole road will make it easier for people to avoid the worst part of the road where they are vulnerable".

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