Republican News · Thursday 19 December 2002

[An Phoblacht]

Colombia 3 'missing' for 48 hours

After 48 hours silence, the families of the Colombia Three discovered on Tuesday night that the men were still alive. Niall Connoly phoned relatives and confirmed that they had been moved to a high-security prison in Combita, 87 kms north of the country's capital Bogota.

Catríona Ruane, co-ordinator of the Bring Them Home campaign, said that prior to this the last contact she had had with the men was on Saturday evening. The Colombian authorities refused to tell the families where the men were.

"We are very concerned," she told An Phoblacht on Wednesday 18 December. "The Irish Government and ourselves had a meeting with the Colombian vice-minister for justice on the 29th November, and we were assured that the men wouldn't be moved. It is very important that the men stay in Bogota, as this is where their lawyers can see them, and it is also where they can receive visits from the consular, and their family".

"Niall told me that he was escorted to the phones from which he rang me under armed guard, and that right-wing paramilitaries were shouting abuse and threats at him and the others."

Catríona said that the three men are also asking to be moved from the prison, and fear for their safety.

"I spoke to the Irish government yesterday morning, and they said that they will be in contact with the Colombian authorities to ask for the three men to be returned to Bogota," Catriona added.

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