Republican News ยท Thursday 19 December 2002

[An Phoblacht]


1) Vietnamese pot-bellied pig

2) Siberia, UK.

3) Spanish Premier Jose Maria Aznar.

4) The British Army. The Brits had pinched Oasis tunes to use in recruiting videos shown to schoolchildren in Scotland until Noel pulled the plug.

5) A nudist beach. Dimitris Koufondinas said he knew no one would be looking at his face!

6) George Best.

7) Zimbabwe.

8) The candidate was Sinn Fein's June Murphy, a friend.

9) The British Army Press Office in the Six Counties.

10) Phil Mitchell.

11) He was the creator of the Uzi sub-machine gun.

12) Inez McCormack.

13) Goalposts.

14) Skeleton sliding, a sort of toboganning.

15) Lap dancing.

16) Pole dancing.

17) Mary Harney.

18) The Ku Klux Klan and the American Nazi Party.

19) An easy one this - not one.

20) A UDA/UFF C Company mural on the wall.

21) A pretzel.

22) Ex-SAS gunman Andy McNab.

23) VIP.

24) Something useful, like a lawn mower.

25) Another easy one this - Gerry Adams (the Daily Mail said it when SF MPs went to Westminster).

26) None other than Tony Blair's Supreme Spin Meister, the Prince of Darkness himself, Peter Mandelson.

27) Bigot.

28) Mary Harney.

29) Anoraks - they impair your vision.

30) Sammy is a drag queen who has entertained British soldiers.

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