Republican News · Thursday 12 December 2002

[An Phoblacht]

Ferris story mischievous and inaccurate

A Sunday newspaper report impugning the reputation of Sinn Féin TD Martin Ferris has been dismissed by a Sinn Féin spokesperson as inaccurate and mischievous.

The Sunday World reported that Ferris had been claiming for a medical card to which he was no longer entitled, given his earnings as a TD.

Sinn Féin explained that the North Kerry TD was unemployed for many years and has severe asthma. He holds a medical card until the end of this year on the basis of eligibility and due to his medical condition.

The Sinn Féin spokesperson conceded that Ferris was "possible politically naïve" in holding onto the card but added: "He was in contact with the Health Board as recently as last week in relation to the matter and was assured that this remains the case and under no circumstances would he have abused the situation." The Southern Health Board confirmed that Ferris was entitled to the card.

Martin Ferris explained that he had been unemployed and entitled to the card before his election and that he had intended all along not to renew his card when it expires at the end of this month and instead sign up for the VHI.

The Sinn Féin spokesperson said that the SundayWorld's claims of €100,000 earnings were rubbish. "Deputy Ferris takes home the average industrial wage. A large

proportion of his Dáil salary goes towards providing local constituency services and some also goes back to the party," she explained.

The spokesperson added that Ferris is considering taking legal action over the claims made in the Sunday World. "Martin Ferris and his family are deeply upset and angry at the inference being made in that Sunday newspaper. He has now handed the matter over to his solicitor."

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