Republican News · Thursday 5 December 2002

[An Phoblacht]

Focus must be on implementation of Agreement

Martin McGuinness and and Gerry Adams updated the Sinn Féin Ard Comhairle at its meeting in Dublin last Saturday on the meetings to date of the parties and the two governments aimed at resolving what is a very serious crisis in the peace process.

"Our focus at this time is on getting the British government to spell out clearly how they intend to put back the institutions and implement the Agreement in full," said McGuinness.

"We have to remember that what is being sought here from the British government are basic entitlements, not concessions, and whatever else is happening people are entitled to equality, human rights, an accountable policing service. And I said that at the all-party talks this week."

Dismissing stories in the British media of secret talks involving the IRA, McGuinness said: "People need to be aware that these unfounded stories from anonymous sources not only have no basis in fact but detract from the talks that are currently taking place. It is politics and political dialogue which will resolve this current crisis."

Party audit and new appointments

In other business, Daniel Callanan presented the party's executive with a comprehensive document detailing the findings of an internal audit carried out by the party and making recommendations for improving the party's management structures.

The Ard Comhairle approved a list of new appointments, some necessitated or facilitated, depending on one's perspective, by the suspension of the Assembly.

There was also a lively debate at the Ard Comhairle meeting around the fluoridation of water supplies, the issue having been referred back to the Ard Chomhairle at the party's last Ard Fheis, the flavour of which Sam Porter captures on these pages.

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