Republican News · Thursday 22 August 2002

[An Phoblacht]

Ease back to school blues

Dublin Councillor Dessie Ellis has called for more assistance for needy families and a reduction in back to school costs as a Parents Group reveals that the bill for some families could be up to €1,000.

"The National Parents Council calculates that the cost of books, uniforms, shoes, track suits, etc, would run to €200 per child," said Ellis. "This will cause great hardship, particularly for less well-off families, and comes on top of the 69% increase in fees for Third Level. Here in Dublin North West, with one of the lowest rates of participation in Third Level education, we need more access, not more barriers, to education to break the vicious cycle of poverty.

"I would call on the government to increase the Back To School Allowance to ease the pressure on many struggling families. I would caution parents not to be sucked into the grip of moneylenders, but to approach school principals, their local MABS or Credit Union if they are having difficulties. I welcome local schools operating book rental schemes and I would urge others to initiate these schemes, which save parents considerable outlay.

Action should also be taken on the rapidly increasing costs of our so-called "free education" system. Uniforms could be made more generic so that parents don't have to pay exorbitant prices at specialist suppliers. Textbooks should also be looked at, not just from a cost, but also a weight, point of view. More texts and teaching materials should be made available online or in CD form to reduce cost and weight (and to familiarise more students with Information Technology)."

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