Republican News ยท Thursday 15 August 2002

[An Phoblacht]

Independent TD backs besieged nationalists

Independent TD Finian McGrath has spoken out strongly about the constant sectarian attacks endured by the Northern minority iin the Six Counties for the past three months.

"The silence in the 26 Counties and lack of serious analysis is a national disgrace and has got to be challenged," said the Dublin North Central TD. "The sectarian murder of Gerard Lawlor is now leading us down the road of more violence. David Trimble and the unionist politicians seem to be hoping that the Agreement disappears off the political map. I now call on the Taoiseach and the Minister for Foreign Affairs to:

  • Assist the Northern minority;
  • Demand an end to sectarian attacks;
  • Put pressure on the British government to face up to their responsibilities;
  • Stand up for the Good Friday Agreement and stop pussyfooting around with the British and the loyalists;
  • Demand international observers and protection for the nationalists."

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