Republican News · Thursday 8 August 2002

[An Phoblacht]

European Court decision welcomed

Sinn Féin Chairperson and Justice Spokesperson, Mitchel McLaughlin MLA, has welcomed the European Court of Human Rights decision on a prisoner's right to legal representation.

Speaking after the Court's ruling on Wednesday 31 July, McLaughlin said:

"The fact that the European Court of Human Rights has adjudicated against the British government's denial of legal representation for prisoners when charged with offences against prison discipline is to be welcomed. This is an affirmation of a decision won by prisoners in Long Kesh in 1988 when two republicans took a case against the prison regime. The fact that two prisoners in England had to go to Europe ten years later on demonstrates the contempt with which the British government regards the rights of prisoners.

"It is to be hoped that the British government will now ensure that prisoners‚ human rights are no longer abused by over zealous prison regimes.

The fact that someone is incarcerated does not give governments or prison governors licence to ignore that person's human rights."

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