Republican News ยท Thursday 1 August 2002

[An Phoblacht]

Celtic League rejects Nice Rerun

The decision of the Dublin government to refuse to acknowledge the result of the Nice Treaty referendum was labelled "an attack on democracy" by Irish delegates to the Celtic league AGM in the Isle of Man earlier this week.

The League's Irish branch had campaigned vigorously along with a broad alliance of groups in Ireland arguing democratically their objections to the treaty. After these arguments were supported in the referendum, the government displayed its contempt for that decision and also the arrogance of elements within the EU hierarchy towards democratic expression by commencing an immediate campaign to reverse the decision.

Irish delegates said that Conradh Ceilteach (the Irish branch of the league) would renew its opposition in any new referendum and the government attitude was condemned in a resolution approved unanimously by the conference:

"This AGM condemns the Irish Government for its refusal to acknowledge the outcome of the NICE referendum vote and its decision to have another referendum on exactly the same Treaty. We call on the Irish people to reject this attack on democracy and on their Constitution and to vote no to the Nice rerun."

  • The Celtic League has branches in the six Celtic Countries. It works to promote cooperation between these countries and campaigns on a broad range of political, cultural and environmental matters. It focuses on human rights abuse and civil liberty issues and also monitors the impact of military activity.

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