Republican News ยท Thursday 11 April 2002

[An Phoblacht]

Callanan calls for broadening of child abuse inquiry

While welcoming the announcement of an inquiry into the handling of clerical abuse allegations in the diocese of Ferns, Daniel Callanan has called for the inquiry to be extended to all areas where there have been serious allegations of child sex abuse. He added that the inquiry should not be restricted to allegations made against the clergy.

"It is now over a decade since Irish people became aware of the horrors of the past and yet at the beginning of the new century it appears that attempts are continuing to cover up the full nature of the scandal of child abuse," said Callanan. "This inquiry should be extended beyond the diocese of Ferns and the church authorities should be asked to release all files in relation to St Joseph's school in Salthill and the industrial school in Letterfrack. Any inquiry should not be limited to church institutions and no fear or favour should be shown towards any allegations, irrespective of where it may lead or what it may reveal.

"This cancer has to be weeded out once and for all. I therefore believe that all Garda, Western Health Board and Department of Education files in relation to this matter should be released for scrutiny.

"Does Galway, like Wexford, have to wait ten years for the truth to be revealed? There can be no cost put on the hurt, depression, and trauma and suffering inflicted upon thousands of young Irish people. Child abuse is one of the most evil of all crimes and the conspiracy of silence surrounding child sexual abuse has to be lifted once and for all.

"Finally, I believe that the handling of this issue is another reason why the office of the DPP needs to be reformed, so that victims can be given more information as to why prosecutions are not proceeded with. In order for all child abuse victims to achieve justice and some form of closure, there must be full disclosure and accountability on behalf of all Church and State institutions."

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