Republican News ยท Thursday 27 September 2001

[An Phoblacht]

London hunger strike march postponed

A decision was taken on Wednesday night, 19 September, to postpone the Hunger Strike Commemoration march and rally planned for London on Sunday 23 September.

The Organising Committee in London took the decision following representations from the ``National H Block/Armagh Hunger Strike Commemoration Committee'' based in Ireland. It was felt that the issue of the Ten Hunger Strikers and the reasons for their sacrifice would be lost in the current political climate.

The decision of the organising committee was also based on the police insistence that they would have a massive presence of over 1,000 officers. The committee believed that such an overwhelming police presence would also detract from the memory of the Ten Men.

A rally planned for 7.30 on Tue 23 October in Central Hall, Westminster will go ahead with Tony Benn and Gerry Adams.

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