Republican News · Thursday 6 December 2001

[An Phoblacht]

SF Councillor co-opted to Monaghan County Council

Sheila McKenna is the new Sinn Féin member of Monaghan County Council. She was co-opted by the unanimous decision of the Council at its monthly meeting on 3 December.

The co-option arose following the recent resignation from Monaghan County Council and from Sinn Féin of Brian MacUaid. The co-option of Sheila McKenna was proposed on behalf of Sinn Féin by Councillor Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin TD and seconded by Councillor Brian McKenna.

Sheila McKenna of Scotstown was a candidate in the 1999 local elections in the Clones Electoral Area which she will now represent on Monaghan County Council. Commenting on her co-option Cllr. McKenna said:

"I am joining a great team of Sinn Féin Councillors on Monaghan County Council. We all know the work they do and they are highly respected. I look forward also to working with the Clones UDC team of Peter McAleer, Debbie Moore and Pat Treanor."

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