Sectarianism rules in Newtownabbey
The sectarian carve up of the top council positions in the unionist controlled Newtownabbey has been condemned by Sinn Féin's Briege Meehan. Unionist councellors are "playing games to keep non unionists out of power," said Briege, "but this sectarian politicking will have to stop if we are to provide an effective service for all the people of Newtownabbey."
The Sinn Féin councillor was speaking after Monday's council meeting at which positions of power, including Mayor, Deputy Mayor, all committee chairs and committee deputy chairs, all went to unionists.
Independent socialist councillor Mark Langhammer also voiced concerns, describing the unionist carve-up as "a return to the Dome of Delight style of politics." Langhammer was refering to the exclusive practices of unionism which condemned Belfast City Council to years of sectarian strife.
The unionists had set out their stall, said Langhammer, and as a result Newtownabbey would become a cauldron of sectarianism in the months ahead.