Republican News · Thursday 6 December 2001

[An Phoblacht]

SF FUNCTION: Featuring the Highwaymen. 10pm Thursday 6 December, Stirrups, NEWBRIDGE, County Kildare. All proceeds to Colombian Three Campaign. Táille £4

CAINT PHOIBLÍ: AR "An Cogadh in aghaidh na Sceimhlitheoireachta Domhanda" agus Slad san Afganastáin - An cóir d'Éire bheith ag tacú leo ? le Feargus Mac Aogáin Rúnaí Náisiúnta Comhaontú na Síochána is na Neodrachta (PANA) ar 1 pm ar an Aoine, 7 Nollaig, 2001 ag Ionad Buail Isteach na Gaeilge 43 Sráid Essex ThoirBaile Átha Cliath 2. Tae, Caife agus Ceapairí ar fáíl. Fáilte Roimh Chách

PUBLIC MEETING: The Colombia Three, bring them home. 7pm Thursday 6 December, Usher Theatre, Trinity College, DUBLIN. Speakers: Brian Keenan (former Beiruit hostage); Pedro Maecha & Augustin Jiminez (Colombian Human Rights Lawyers); Donncha O'Connell (ICCL); Cjair Catriona Ruane. Organised by the Bring Them Home Campaign, 40-41 Lwr Dominic Street, D1

FUNDRAISER: In aid of political prisoners. Friday 7 December, Crosskey's Inn, CAVAN. Speaker: Caoimhghín O Cáoláin

COMMEMORATION: 20th Anniversary 80/81 Hunger Strike Commemoration end of year celebration. In Felon's Club, Friday 7 December. Buffet, music session and disco. 8 'till Late. Everyone Welcome

COCAD XMAS FUNCTION: 9pm Friday 7 December, Grey's, Newmarket, DUBLIN

SF FUNCTION: 9pm Friday 7 December, the Abbey Hotel, Grand Hotel, WICKLOW TOWN, County Wicklow. Adm £5. Tickets on 086-8576409

VOLUNTEER COMMEMORATION: Volunteer Charlie Kerins Commemoration. Assemble 8 pm Friday 7 December, the Pikeman Memorial, Denny Street, TRALEE, County Kerry and proceed to The Charlie Kerin's Memorial on Strand Road. The Ballyseedy Martyrs Band will be in attendance. Main Speaker: Cllr Martin Ferris

SF FUNCTION: Music by Tommy Roche. 9pm Friday 7 December, Halfway house, BALLYCOGLEY. Door prizes and raffle. Táille £3

WESTMEATH SF XMAS FUNCTION: Featuringballads by Toals. Friday 7 December, the Well, MOATE, County Westmeath. Táille £5. Free draw on night to value of £350

WTS RACE NIGHT FUNDRAISER: 8.30pm Friday 7 December, Egan's Bar, Harrow & Wealdstone tube, LONDON, England. Call 020 8442 8778

BENEFIT FUNCTION: In aid of political prisoners. 9pm Friday 7 December, Crosskeys Inn, CAVAN. Music by Spirit of Freedom

POW BENEFIT FUNCTION: Featuring the Irish Brigade. Saturday 8 December, Mother Redcaps, Christchurch, DUBLIN. Táille £5

CONFERENCE: Partition and Memory: Ireland, India, Palestine. An international, interdisciplinary conference The Keough Institute for Irish Studies, University of Notre Dame 6-9 December. For further information and registration details, please contact Harriet Baldwin, Conference Co-ordinator, Centre for Continuing Education, 123 McKenna Hall, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 USA. Tel (+1) 219 631 7864. Email 0r. Mary Burgess, Conference Director, Keogh Institute for Irish Studies, Flanner Hall, University of Notre Dame. Tel (+1) 219 631 3419. Email:

REPUBLICAN COMMEMORATION: Annual Liam Mellowes commemoration. Assemble 2pm Sunday 9 December, Golden Anckor Car Park, CASTLETOWN, County Wexford

DEMILITARISATION PROTEST: 80th anniversray of partition - Send their troops home. Assemble 1pm Sunday 9 December, Camlough village, County Armagh

COLUMBIA 3: Bring them home, an evening With Writers and musicians in support of The Colombia 3. Featuring Joe O' Connor, Donal O' Kelly, Theo Dorgan, Cormac Bhreathnach, Pat Mc Cabe, Mary Stokes, Jim Doran, Danny Morrison. 8pm Sunday 9 December, Andrew's Lane Theatre, DUBLIN. Tickets £20. Tickets available from Andrew's Lane Box Office, Tel: (01) 6795720

PUBLIC MEETING: On the rise of anti-social behaviour in the Corduff/Ladyswell areas of Dublin West. 8.30pm Tuesday 11 December, Resource Centre, CORDUUF, Dublin. Meeting addressed by Sinn Féin's Dublin West Representative Mary Lou McDonald and Dublin Corporation Councillors Dessie Ellis and Nicky Kehoe

ANTI-WAR PUBLIC MEETING: Against the war in Afghanistan. 8pm Tuesday 11 December, O'Donovan's Hotel, CLONAKILTY, County Cork

POETRY READING: Charlie Donnelly: Poet of the Spanish Anti-Fascist War. Talk by Michael O'Riordan. 8pm Wednesday 12 December, New Theatre, Connolly Books, Temple Bar, DUBLIN. Red Poets Society &New Theatre

PUBLIC MEETING: 20 Years Since The Hungerstrike, A one day conference on the current situation in the North of Ireland. 10am-5.30pm Saturday 1 December, County Hall, Atlantic Wharf, CARDIFF, Wales. Topics for Discussion. The Labour Government & the Peace Process; The RUC and the Future of Policing; The Bloody Sunday Tribunal (+Slides & Video Show); Speakers: Mitchell McLaughlin, Sinn Fein Assembly Member; Breandan MacCionnaith, Garvaghy Road Residents Coalition; Gerry McLaughlin, Derry City Councillor; John Kelly, Brother of Mickey Kelly shot dead on Bloody Sunday; Invited Jeremy Corbyn MP & Arthur Scargill, Soc Lab. Evening Social featuring Glasgow Irish Band Claymore. The Conference is also a tribute to Mary Crofton who died on 4th May this year. Organised by the South Wales Hungerstrike Commemoration Committee and supported by the Troops Out Movement. Admission £5 waged £3 unwaged Donations welcome. Info: PO Box 5 Greenleaf Bookshop 82 Colstan Street Bristol BS1. Tel: 0797 017 4167

SF FUNCTION: Featuring Shenanagins. Friday 14 December, JJ Crowleys Bar, BANTRY, County Cork

SF XMAS FUNCTION/DRAW:9pm Friday 14 December, Crean's Lounge, VICKERSTOWN, County Laois. Music by Damien Walsh. Táille £3/£2 for two

SF XMAS PARTY/ELECTION FUNDRAISER: Saturday 15 December, Strand Hotel, CLONAKILTY, County Cork. Ceol: Shennanigans. Táille £5 (includes grub)

WTS XMAS SOCIAL: 9pm Saturday 15 December, Prince Arthur, Broad Lane, Tottenham, LONDON, England. Info on 020-8442 8778 or PO Box 6191, London, WC1N 3XX

COMMEMORATION: Seán Mcilvenna RFB commemoration and function. Saturday 15 December, Bar Bedrock, GLASGOW, Scotland. Featuring Claymore. Tickets £3, available from the Squirrel Bar or e-mail the band at

POW EVENTS/PICKETS (DUBLIN SOUTH CENTRAL): 1-2pm Saturday 8 December, Junctionof Thomas Street/Meath Street, DUBLIN; 1-2pm Saturday 15 December, Roundabout at junction of Le Fanu Road/Ballyfermot Road; 1-2pm Saturday 22 December, Walkinstown Road

BANDON SF XMAS PARTY: Featuring Black Rose. 9.30pm Friday 21 December, Jimmy g's, Watergate St, BANDON, County Cork. Táille £5

SF XMAS FUNCTION: Featuring Spirit of Freedom. 9pm Saturday 22 December, GAA Club, BISHOPSTOWN, County Cork. Táille £5

GEARR SCANNÁN: Ealaíontóir Thar Sáile Gearr-Scannán le Sabina Brennan. An chéad taispeántas den scannán nua seo, á chur i láthair ag an léritheoir/stiúrthóir Sabina Breannan ag Ionad Buail Isteach na Gaeilge f/ch Siopa Connolly Books 43 Sr. Essex thoir, BAC 2 ar an Aoine 14 Nollaig ag 1pm Beidh ceiliúradh na Nollag ar siúl chomh maith le fíon agus sóláistí Saorchead isteach - fáilte roimh chách

SF SHOPS: SIOPA NA HÉALAINNE BELFAST: The Green Cross Art Shop, 53 Falls Road for Arts, Crafts and books, now stocking a wide range of children's books; DERRY: SF Centre, Main St, Dungiven. Tel 028-77742488,; DUBLIN: Sinn Féin Shop in 44 Parnell Square. Open six days a week 11am-4pm, Monday-Friday, and 10am-5pm on Saturdays. Website:; NORTH STRAND: open 10am-4,30pm weekdays and 12 noon-3.3opm Saturdays. Nicky Kehoe Advice Centre also available; MAYO: Shop and Constituency Office, Unit 6, SMA Mall, O Rahilly Street, Ballina. Tel: 096 76821/087 9190680, email: Open 9.30-5.30pm Monday-Saturday. MONAGHAN: Sinn Féin Siopa Monaghan Town, tel 82917/Fax 71849; KERRY: Kerry Sinn Fein's new premises, including shop and constituency office, are now open. Republican arts and crafts, t-shirts, books, badges, etc. Visitors welcome. Contact Kerry Sinn Féin, 2, Moyderwell, Tralee. Tel/Fax :066-7129545. E-Mail:; New SF shop and constituency office, Market Street, Listowel. opening times, Tues -Sat, 11am-4pm, tel 068-24949; CORK: 136 Barrack Street, tel (021)4311 389, and our new e mail address is Prices available on badges to cumainn. Open Monday-Saturday 11-5pm; LOUTH: SF Dundalk shop open from Mon-Fri 10am-4pm, tel 042-9328859; SF Drogheda: Tues, 2-5pm, Thurs, 7-9pm, Sat, 10am-1pm. Tel 041-9873823; NEWRY: 1 Kilmorey Terrace, Patrick Street. Open 10am - 4pm Mon-Fri, 10am - 12pm Sat. Tel (028) 302 68538. e-mail Website; WICKLOW: SF Shop, Wicklow Town, 086-8576409; SCOTLAND: Connolly Bookshop, 101 St Leonard Street, Edinburgh EH 8 9QY

Blanchardstown SF lotto
29 November. Nos 16,20,24. No winner. Jackpot £550. 5 x £10 consolation prizes. Noel Burke, Noel Burke, Genny O'Boyle, Tricia, c/o Liz, Canny roonet, Cathy McDonagh. Next week's jackpot £600

Sth Derry SF Lotto
3 December. Winning nos 3,6,13,15. No jackpot winners. 1 x £50.winner. Colm Murray, c/o Ballinascreen. Next week's jackpot £2,750.

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