Republican News · Thursday 6 December 2001

[An Phoblacht]

I sat beside Deputy Owen last week and she was devastated by his remarks. She was devastated inside the House, outside the House and in the Members' Bar.

Fine Gael TD Michael Ring in the Leinster House debate on Tom Gildea's allegations against Nora Owen, 28 November


Never has the Middle East been so close to chaos and the situation is not being helped by Israel's insistence on conditions for a perfect ceasefire before they consider entering talks.

Irish Examiner editorial, Wednesday 5 December


For nearly 13 years we have always said an independent public inquiry is the only way to ever establish the truth about my son's murder. That has not changed. The family have never had faith in the British government establishing the truth.

Kathleen Finucane, mother of assassinated Belfast solicitor Pat Finucane, Andersonstown News, Saturday 1 December.


Pat's case really is about so much more than the death of one man. It is about a policy which was being carried our right across Northern Ireland, a policy to decide who was going to live and who was going to die. And this was going on underneath the veneer of democracy. It is really quite remarkable how they have managed to delay an inquiry into Pat's murder... This goes right to the top. Margaret Thatcher herself would have been very well informed about what was going on here.

Pat Finucane's widow, Geraldine, The Sunday Tribune Sunday 2 December


There are now over 120,000 people in Ireland who have no proper home to go to at the end of each day as the Local Authority housing waiting lists continue to grow. People who are out of home are just that, people with real hopes, feelings and real lives just like you and me. That's what people often forget as they brush by them on the street.

Declan Jones, Focus Ireland's chief executive, Irish Examiner, Thursday 29 November


In Ireland, the evidence of abuse perpetrated by religious personnel was so overwhelming, the orders responsible for running such institutions have agreed in principle to contribute to a compensation scheme which could cost £100 million.

Irish Examiner editorial, Saturday 1 December


We wish to express our dissatisfaction with the lack of balance in the programmes and we roundly reject many of the inferences drawn.

Christian Brothers, talking about the RTE Prime Time program that dealt with the alleged child abuse, The Irish Times, Saturday 1 December


If we are supposed to be this great 'mother of parliaments', then we should allow mothers to breast-feed in parliament.

Julia Drown, an MP at the British parliament in Westminster, The Guardian, Monday 3 December

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