Republican News · Thursday 16 September 1999

[An Phoblacht]

Other parties have rushed to judgement but this is too serious an issue for people to be knee jerking. We are going to be very calm, very rational and will be discussing it with our own community.

Martin McGuinness after the publication of the Patten Report on policing


We will come to this matter in a positive and constructive way. But one thing is for certain. The RUC is finished.

Gerry Adams


If Jesus appeared at a UUP meeting, Trimble and Co. would quickly insist on putting their fingers into his wound.

- John Donlon in The Star, Monday, 13 September


Former British Defence Minister Alan Clarke was colourful, outspoken, unfaithful and highly controversial. He cared little who he offended with his outrageous comments and was unrepentant when he suggested that the way to deal with the IRA was to kill 600 people in one night.

Editorial in last week's Irish News on Tory Alan Clarke, who died recently


yone can become homeless. This is the stark message being delivered by organisations working in the field. But just how we've arrived at a place where despite the government surplus of £6bn, we've nevertheless got twice the numbers of homeless people than we had three years ago, is not easy to understand.

Denise Hall's report on homelessness in Ireland. The Examiner, Friday 10 September


(The report) is like a charter to try and make the banking system more acceptable to bank robbers.

DUP's Gregory Campbell on the report.


The one who killed my son and any others who have committed human rights abuses should have been kicked out. That had to happen before any new service could have the support of people like myself. It is no good Patten or the RUC saying we should all try to get on. I know in my heart of hearts that things were covered up and they can't tell me that a similar cover-up didn't happen in relation to my son's death.

Kathleen Duffy, whose son Séamus was the last person to be killed by plastic bullets, reacting to the Patten Report and the fact that it does not recommend the banning of plastic bullets


I don't believe Sinn Féin should have to jump through various hoops simply to get their place in the executive.

South Antrim UUP member Duncan Shipley-Duncan, adding to the rifts and crisis in the party


[Vincent] McKenna, an ex-IRA bomber, sent down for eight years, was subsequently thrown out of the IRA for persistently leaking details of upcoming operations. By his own present lurid reasoning, this treachery should have merited ``extreme sanction'' but he is still there, travelling around, funded by no one knows who, and pursuing his objective of subverting the Good Friday Agreement, which he says should be scrapped.

Letter writer to the Independent on Sunday, 12 September


A lot of us laid to rest an awful lot of ghosts out there. I've been tempted to say this all year: we haven't gone away, you know.

- Victorious Cork hurling manager Jimmy Barry-Murphy after his young charges won the Liam McCarthy Cup at Croke Park, the Irish Times, Monday, 13 September

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