Republican News ยท Thursday 16 September 1999

[An Phoblacht]

Chopper land at South Armagh

A British Army helicopter which landed, for the second time in a week, in a field close to the South Armagh home of Kathleen and Michael Tomelty has left the elderly couple terrified.

The Tomeltys were at their home near Keady when the helicopter landed at around 9.30pm on Tuesday, 7 September.

The Tomeltys were shocked by the incident and reacted angrily after the landing panicked the cattle and horses which were in the field at the time.

``The hum and roar of the helicopter was absolutely terrifying, especially as it was pitch black out,'' said Kathleen Tomelty, who added that the number of helicopter drops in the area seems to be increasing.

army spokesperson confirmed the incident and justified helicopter activities for security against ``terrorist threat''.

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