Republican News ยท Thursday 14 October 1999

[An Phoblacht]

CAMPBELL, Sheena (7th Ann). In proud and loving memory of Sheena Campbell, Sinn Fein, murdered by pro-British death squads on 16 October 1992. Always remembered with pride by her Mum and Dad.

CAMPBELL, Sheena (7th Ann). In proud and loving memory of my Sheena Campbell, Sinn Fein, murdered by pro-British death squads on 16 October 1992. Wherever I go, whatever I do I `ll never fail to think of you. When your name is mentioned I glow with pride, the tears in my eyes I try to hide. Always remembered by her brother Stephen, Denise and Leanne.

CAMPBELL, Sheena (7th Ann). In proud and loving memory of our sister Sheena Campbell, Sinn Fein, murdered by pro-British death squads on 16 October 1992. Always remembered by her brothers Mark, Greg and Gino.

CAMPBELL, Sheena (7th Ann). In proud and loving memory of Sheena Campbell, Sinn Fein, murdered by pro-British death squads on 16 October 1992. Always remembered by her sister, Gabby and nephews Neill and Tiarnan.

CAMPBELL, Sinn Fein member Sheena (died 16 October 1992); FITZSIMMONS, Volunteer Frank (died 16 October 1976); HERON, Volunteer Hugh (died 16 October 1972); MARLOWE, Volunteer Paul (died 16 October 1976); MULLAN, Volunteer John Patrick (died 16 October 1972); SURGENOR, Volunteer Joseph (died 16 October 1976). We have no right to believe that freedom can be won without struggle - Che Guevara. Always remembered with love and pride by their many friends and comrades in the Republican Movement.

FITZSIMMONS, Frank; MARLOWE, Paul (23rd Ann). In proud and loving memory of our comrades, Volunteers Francie Fitzsimmons and Paul Marlowe, who were killed on active service on 16 October 1976. Always remembered by the Republican Movement, Short Strand, Markets and Lower Ormeau.


HOGAN. Deepest sympathy is extended to Sean Hogan and family on the death of his father. From the Martin Forsythe Sinn Fein Cumann, Rathfarnham.

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