Republican News · Thursday 27 May 1999

[An Phoblacht]

Housing a key election issue


A well attended meeting in Ringsend was held to highlight the ongoing housing crisis in Dublin in general and the South East Inner City in particular.

Daithí Doolan also used the opportunity to launch Sinn Fein's Integrated Plan for the area, `RB2K' - Ringsend Beyond 2000. The plan calls for a more open community-based approach to any future planning developments in the community. It also calls for an immediate halt to high rise developments in the Docklands area.

``Planning is an issue of democracy,'' said Doolan. ``People have a right to decide how their community will be developed and who it's developed for. The planning laws are anti-community and anti-people. It's time this was changed. This planning document offers the community a strong alternative to the present planning agenda, which is dictated by big business developers.''

One local resident called on people to support a proposed march to be held in Dublin on 6 June. This march has been called by communities from the North and South Inner City to oppose proposed high rise developments.

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