Conor Murphy calls for halt to British Army saturation
by Dan O'Neill
Sinn Féin Assembly member for Newry/South Armagh, Conor Murphy, has
called for an end to the British Army's saturation of the area.
Not content with threatening local residents, the British Army has
threatened their livelihoods from the air. Since the beginning of the
week farmers have had livestock killed because of incessant
helicopter activity over their farms. A helpline set up by the NSPCA
has proved ineffectual as callers have been informed that the
organisation can exercise no influence over British Military
Murphy told An Phoblacht that the British Army has indulged
themselves in `sectarian behaviour' and `physical abuse' of the local
``The British Army is once more exhibiting its refusal to recognise
the rights of the Irish people to live free from `sectarian
harassment and intimidation' as set out in the Good Friday
Agreement'', he added.
The Assembly member called on the British NIO Minister Adam Ingram to
halt the saturation of the area.
``He should also fulfil his promise to produce a paper outlining the
British governments plans and schedule for demilitarisation which
should have been produced some three months ago'', he added.