Republican News · Thursday 25 March 1999

[An Phoblacht]

Nothing less than an independent inquiry into Rosemary Nelson's murder

By Caítlin Doherty

Cearta, the equality pressure group, and community groups from across Ireland are organising a vigil of remembrance for murdered human rights solicitor Rosemary Nelson on Sunday March 28. Participants are asked to assemble at 3 o'clock in front of Belfast city hall and carry a flower.

The vigil is organised to honour Rosemary's life as a passionate human rights solicitor and demand an international, independent, investigation and inquiry into her murder. A panel of women chaired by a representative of Cearta, representing the community, human rights and legal fields, will address the crowd.

The vigil was organised after Belfast community groups met on the day following the murder. They felt it was necessary to organise a vigil, as well as add their voices to calls demanding an independent inquiry.

Full page advertisements sponsored by groups from across Ireland will be published in local newspapers. The bulk of it's text, translated in Irish, is an extract from an address made by Rosemary to the International Operations and Human Rights Sub-committee of the US House of Representatives in which she talks of the way she was physically abused by RUC members and subject to sectarian verbal abuse.

The aim of the campaign is to prevent the RUC from investigating the murder of a woman they themselves threatened, harassed, as well as physically and verbally abused on many occasions. Rosemary had documented the threats made directly against her or via her clients by the crown forces.

Such threats have been documented in human rights reports such as the one of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, Dato Param Cumaraswamy. Shortly after his investigation, Cumaraswamy had advised RUC Chief Constable Ronnie Flanagan and British Direct Ruler Majorie Mowlam of the threats to Rosmary's life.

A coalition of leading human rights organisations has already joined the United Nations special rapporteur in demanding a full and international inquiry. The coalition includes Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the Lawyers Commitee for Human Rights, the Committee on the Administration of Justice, the British/Irish Rights Watch and the Irish Council on Civil Liberties.

``There has been huge support for this initiative'', said Ciaráin Kearney from the Belfast based Falls Community Council. People across the island feel very very strongly about a totally independent and international inquiry and investigation into Rosemary's murder ten years after the murder of Pat Finucane. The vigil is a dignified vigil and an occasion to add our voices to the calls for an independent inquiry''.

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