Republican News · Thursday 17 June 1999

[An Phoblacht]

Amnesty backs inquiry call

Amnesty International's Annual report , published yesterday, backs an independent inquiry into Rosemary Nelson's death.

The report also cites the new emergency provisions of the Offences against the State Act as a violation of international standards of human rights, and criticises the application of deportation procedures to asylum seekers.

The publication of the report follows a memorial meeting for Rosemary Nelson in Dublin organised by the Irish Council for Civil Liberties on Tuesday, which was attended by Minister for Justice, John O'Donoghue, and the Attorney General, David Byrne.

John McMenamin, chairperson of the Bar Council, said in paying honour to Rosemary Nelson that ``Her practice is a reminder to us lawyers that one of our functions is to give a voice to the voiceless'. He went on to say that she was truest of lawyers because she stood for one of the fundamentals - that everyone is equal before the law.

Michael Farrell, co-chairperson of the ICCL, said that ``if the security forces are not prepared to accept the role allocated to lawyers in our system, we are very little removed from a police state''.

The latest Amnesty Report also criticised the deportation procedures used against asylum seekers, where as this paper has often pointed out, an asylum seeker is unlikely to afford to have a lawyer at all at the quasi judicial hearing of their asylum application or subsequent appeal, never mind about equal treatment before the law.

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