Republican News ยท Thursday 25 February 1999

[An Phoblacht]

FAIR hypocrisy exposed

The hypocrisy of the anti-Agreement relatives group FAIR has been exposed by members Willie Frazer and Brian McConnell's revelations.

Members of FAIR picketed and heckled relatives of the nine people killed by the British SAS in Loughgall as they arrived for a meeting with NIO Minister for victims Adam Ingram last month. The group, closely associated with the DUP, who recently demanded an end to early prisoner releases has in the past campaigned for the release of prisoners accused of killing Republicans.

Accusing the group of hypocrisy, the Derry based human rights group the Pat Finucane Centre said that FAIR was attempting to create a hierarchy of good and bad victims. Martin Finucane, speaking for the centre said FAIR were implying that there were innocent and guilty relatives. ``It must be made clear that all relatives are by definition innocent, whether those of RUC officers, British soldiers, members of the IRA, UVF or UDA,'' said Finucane. It was recently revealed that relatives of Jerry McCabe, a member of the Garda shot dead during a post office robbery in County Limerick in 1996, are considering joining the anti agreement group FAIR.

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