Republican News ยท Thursday 25 February 1999

[An Phoblacht]

Pipebomb attack in North Belfast

The lives of five children between the ages of 13 months and 9 years were endangered by a loyalist pipebomb, discovered in the back garden of a nationalist home in Rosapena Street in North Belfast on Wednesday morning.

Behind the attacked house is a `peacewall', beyond which are numerous derilict homes that have been used to mount sustained loyalist attacks on the homes of nationalists both in Rosapena and the Rosevale area. Sinn Fein Assembly member Gerry Kelly and local councillor Bobby Lavery have been calling for the `peacewall' behind the homes in Rosapena to be raised to prevent further attacks.

The device, described as unstable, was discovered at 8 am on Wednesday 24 February by a family member. The family, who wish to remain anonymous, have expressed concern for their five children who are vunerable to attack as they play in the back garden. The device is of similar design to those used in recent loyalist attacks designed to intimidate Nationalists out of the Graymount area in North Belfast.

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