Republican News ยท Thursday 25 February 1999

[An Phoblacht]

Loyalists sixth victim

Patrick Feeney, the catholic worker murdered on Monday evening, February 20th, at Liddle's linen factory in the County Down village of Donaghcloney has become the latest victim of loyalist murder squads operating throughout the six counties. His death, like that of the other five victims murdered in the first two months of this year, is part of one of the most concerted campaigns waged by pro-British assassins in recent years.

Feeney, a 32 year old single man from Tullylish near Gilford, County Down, worked as a security guard on the factory's front gate one night a week. He was at the main factory entrance in the middle of Donaghcloney village at 9pm when his killers drove up in a stolen car and fired up to five shots from close range. He died instantly.

Phoblacht, February 23rd 1989

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