Republican News ยท Thursday 25 February 1999

[An Phoblacht]

RUC attempt blackmail

A 28-year-old Armagh man has claimed that the RUC have tried to blackmail him into becoming an informer.

The man, who wishes to remain anonymous, has been phoned on his mobile phone by the RUC. An RUC man said that he had set up a hotel for him in Scotland. This hotel was to be used for him to meet the RUC while he was in the country for a Celtic match. The RUC also offered him a five-figure sum to supply them with information about republicans in the area.

The man claims that when he rejected their approaches they tried to blackmail him by saying that if he ``did not co-operate with them they would spread the rumour on the street that I was working for them anyway, putting my life in danger''.

This is the second time the man has been approached. The first time was a few months ago at a leisure centre when he managed to call for staff help and the RUC officers ran away.

The man believes that this is part of an ongoing campaign of harassment and intimidation being carried out against him by the RUC.

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