Checkpoint closures a PR stunt
The announcement that seven border checkpoints are to close and one
is to be dismantled has been described as a deception designed to
fool people into believing that there would be change said Roslea
Sinn Fein councillor Brian McCaffrey.
A British army spokesman explained that troops previously billeted at
checkpoints would now be redeployed in the Fermanagh area. Brian
McCaffrey, hitting out at the fact that troops were not being
withdrawn from the area said, ``in recent days there have been as many
as nine RUC/Army patrols in Roslea village on one day. It is clear,
given this level of patrolling, that nothing will be changed by
closing the border checkpoints''.
Councillor McCaffrey, confirming that a demilitarisation protest
arranged for Roslea will go ahead, urged people not to be fooled by
the announcement of the `closures'.
A Disband the RUC protest in Roslea last Friday night attracted a
crowd of one hundred protestors. The protest, outside the local RUC
barracks, was addressed by Councillor Brian McCaffrey and Assembly
member Gerry McHugh.