Republican News · Thursday 4 June 1998

[An Phoblacht]

RUC provoked
Garvaghy trouble

Phoblacht has learned that the RUC told the Parades Commission that last Saturday's Junior Orange Order parade on Portadown's Garvaghy Road was non-contentious, despite it having a history of trouble. When later asked by a Parades Commission Authorised officer to place restrictions on the parade, the RUC refused. They then turned out in force - in full riot gear and with twenty jeeps - to police the parade. They arrived at 7.30am to confront nationalist residents and stayed all day despite pleas from local councillors to end their provocation.

At 6.25pm the RUC baton-charged a peaceful nationalist protest, which later led to rioting in the area.

Nationalists from the Garvaghy Road are furious that they have been branded as the instigators of the trouble and they have accused the media of peddling the RUC version of events.

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