Republican News ยท Thursday 2 July 1998

[An Phoblacht]

SF at UDP Conference - in Portugal

Tina Tully, from Cavan, recently represented Sinn Fein at the 12th Congress of the UDP, a socialist political party in Portugal, and had the opportunity of meeting with the President of the Portuguese Parliament.

The UDP Congress (the equivalent of an Irish Ard Fheis) was held in Lisbon on 6-7 June. A number of other countries and parties were represented, including Norway, Denmark, Poland, Canada, Brazil, Catalonia and Galacia. The main centres of attention were, however, the delegates from East Timor and from Sinn Fein, both of whom were given the opportunity to address the Congress.

The two main questions were around the potential of the Good Friday Document to bring about lasting peace, and concern that the issue of decommissioning was not allowed to obstruct progress. Questions were asked about the numbers of political prisoners and their release was viewed as critical. In addition, there was great interest in the situation on the ground; how the presence of the border affects people's everyday lives. The Orange Order marches that take place were clearly viewed as triumphalist, not cultural, by many of those present.

Tully met the President of the Portuguese Parliament, who was keen to know about the situation in Ireland and that peace would remain. He asked that any help that was required from him be brought to the attention of the UDP in Lisbon and he invited any future SF representatives to meet with him. This was followed with interviews by press agents for the media. Their questions centred on the potential of the Good Friday Document, the upcoming Assembly elections and the decommissioning issue.

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