Republican News ยท Thursday 2 July 1998

[An Phoblacht]

Pomeroy opposes Orange parade

Pomeroy Concerned Residents Association, in their latest meeting with the Parades Commission, have once again outlined their opposition to the holding of the ``Twelfth'' in the nationalist village of Pomeroy.

There was no justifiable reason for holding the ``Twelfth'' in Pomeroy against the wishes of the overwhelming majority of the residents, the association told the commission. It should ``be held in another village where local people could identify with the parade and would not feel threatened or intimidated,'' said residents.

In a nationalist village like Pomeroy, an Orange Parade can only be viewed as triumphalist and provocative and is, in fact, against the spirit of the Good Friday agreement which promised equality for nationalists. ``It is absurd to bedeck a nationalist village, such as Pomeroy, with bunting, Union Jacks, Ulster flags and Orange arches against the wishes of the residents in order to faciliate a parade that they do not want,'' residents said. The Association informed the Commission that they had written to the Orange Order in Pomeroy requesting discussion but that the Order had failed to acknowledge the letter. The Commission is to issue its ruling on 6 July.

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