Republican News ยท Thursday 2 July 1998

[An Phoblacht]

RUC accused of harassing voters

nie Armstrong, Sinn Fein's director of elections, has slammed RUC harassment and intimidation of voters in Nationalist areas on polling day.

In Newry voters and the party's election workers were photographed by the RUC as they entered a Sinn Fein tally station.

In the lower Ormeau district of south Belfast the RUC verbally abused people going in to cast their vote. Similar cases of intimidation occurred in Tyrone and other areas across the north.

``I have already made a formal complaint to the Chief Electoral Officer Pat Bradley,'' said Armstrong. ``This type of intimidation is a very serious and worrying trend which has been allowed to continue from election to election. It is designed to keep nationalist voters away from the poll. I am calling on Mo Mowlam to immediately remove the heavy and provocative RUC and British Army patrols from nationalist areas and from the immediate vicinity of polling stations to allow voters the freedom to express their democratic right.''

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