Republican News ยท Thursday 2 July 1998

[An Phoblacht]

Harryville - sectarian picket to resume

Sinn Fein's north Antrim councillor, James McCarry, has reacted angrily to Joel Patten's announcement that the picketing of the Catholic church in Harryville, Ballymena, will be resumed.

Patten, who is leader of the ultra-loyalist Spirit of Drumcree Orangemen, issued the announcement after the Parades Commission's decision to reroute the Orange march at Drumcree away from the Garvaghy Road.

McCarry branded Patten's remarks ``a blatant act of sectarian discrimination designed to pressurise not just the massgoers but the Garvaghy Road residents and indeed the whole nationalist population.''

He urged the people of Ballymena to support the Harryville massgoers to ensure that ``they are not intimidated from their place of worship.''

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