Republican News ยท Thursday 2 July 1998

[An Phoblacht]

Clegg legal bid dismissed

Moves by Paratrooper Lee Clegg's lawyers to restrict the prosecution case at his re-trial for the 1990 murder of 18-year-old Karen Reilly were dismissed by Lord Justice MacDermott at a pre-trial hearing last Wednesday 25 June.

Clegg's lawyers had argued that the judge hearing his November re-trial should be bound by the findings of the original trial that were in favour of Clegg, and that these could not be challenged. But MacDermott dismissed the arguments as ``unreal''. He described it as an attempt to ``put new wine into old bottles''.

Clegg was convicted following the murder of Karen Reilly, 17-year-old Martin Peake and the wounding of16-year-old Markewicz Gorman. He subsequently served only two years of a life sentence following a high profile campaign backed by the British establishment and was promoted after rejoining his regiment.

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