Enoch and the Ku Klux Klan ride again
Enoch Powell has predictably found even Orange bigotry
a bit tame for his liking and he has now turned back to
his old concern: immigrant baiting in Britian.
His power base in the loyalist parts of the Six
Counties is clearly insufficient for someone who would
like to be the Brits' answer to Napoleon Bonaparte.
Hence he has turned to promoting racist policies and
aiding the National Front in their pernicious
propaganda against black people.
In the last few weeks, Powell's old seat,
Wolverhampton, has seen the rise of gangs in
Ku-Klux-Klan type hoods who have embarked on a campaign
of terror against young black people. These KKK thugs
roam around black areas at night and lay into solitary
passers-by with knives and clubs.
The police have, not surprisingly, not come up with any
of these terrorists but then we are used to collusion
between the RUC and the UDR, with the UDA etc. At the
beginning of the month around three hundred black
youths decided to clean out a National Front pub.
Naturally, the cops arrived to protect the NF and in
the clashes which followed seven blacks were arrested
but at least five of the boys in blue were injured. It
was after this incident that the white hoods of the KKK
came out in the open. Now, we know how the National
Front attempted to set up a base in Belfast two or
three years ago and the talks they had with the UDA,
the UVF and maverick loyalist thugs.
Republican News 25 February 1978