FUASCAILT FUNCTION: 9pm Thursday 25 September, Victoria pub, Holloway Road, LONDON. Music by Banna Strand. Táille £3
FUNCTION: Traditional session and local draw. 9pm Friday 26 September, Widow Scallan's, Pearse Street, DUBLIN. Organised by the Mairéad Farrell Sinn Féin Cumann
IRISH NIGHT: Friday 26 September, Killeshil Community Centre, KILLESHIL, County Tyrone. Music by Celtic Swing. Táille £3. Late Bar
WELCOME-HOME FUNCTION: For Cathal Murphy. 10pm till late Saturday 27 Saturday, Scarna Inn, EMYVALE, County Monaghan. Music by Céilí Swing. Admission £5
REPATRIATION PICKET: 1.30-3.30pm Saturday 27 September, BLANCHARDSTOWN VILLAGE, County Dublin. Organised by Joe McDonnell Sinn Féin Cumann. All welcome
PICKET: Release the prisoners. Assemble 3pm Saturday 27 September, Markets Square, DUNDALK, County Louth. Organised to re-launch Saoirse in Dundalk
VOLUNTEERS AHERN/CROWLEY WEEKEND: Ahern/Crowley Memorial Lecture - A New Phase of Struggle, Sinn Féin's entry into Peace Talks. 2pm Saturday 27 September, Allen Room, Moore's Hotel, MORRISON'S ISLAND, County Cork. Speaker: Gerry Kelly (SF negotiator); FUNDRAISER: 8pm Saturday 27 September, Spailpín Fanac, South Main Street. Ballads by Roisín De Bow and Strabane Martyrs RFB, Tyrone. Táille £3; AHERN/CROWLEY COMMEMORATION: 2pm Sunday 28 September, Sinn Féin office, 136 Barrack Street, CORK and march to Republican Plot, St Finbarr's Cemetery. Speaker: Coireall Mac Curtain (Limerick SF). FUNDRAISER: 8pm Sunday 28 September, Spailpín Fanac. Ballads by Molly Maguires and Strabane RFB. Táille £3. GAELIC FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT: For the Ahern/Crowley Perpetual Trophy. Details from Sinn Féin office closer to the date. Organised by the Ahern/Crowley Commemoration Committee
POW MEETING: Attention all County Louth based former POWs. A meeting will take place on Monday 29 September in the Sinn Féin Centre, DUNDALK at 8.30pm. Your attendance is important
Fuascailt protest: To demand that extradition proceedings to Germany are dropped against Roisín McAliskey and her baby Loinir. Tuesday 30 September, outside Bow Street Court, Bow Street, Covent Garden, LONDON, England
FUASCAILT MEETING: 8.50pm Wednesday 1 October, Lewisham Irish Centre, Davenport Road, Catford, LONDON. All welcome
FAMINE WALK: From Castle Estate, County Fermanagh to Famine Grave, CLONES, County Monaghan (ten miles). Assemble 12 noon Saturday 4 October. Walk passes through Newtownbutler at approx 2pm. Welcome: Vicky Herbert (Castle Estate). Walk leaders: Josephat Mulyungi (Kenya); Mary Healy (just returned from North Korea; Peter McClare (Clones Commemoration Committee. Contact AFrI on 4968595 or CFCC on 047 51158 or Crom Castle Estate on 365738883
ANTI-FASCIST FUNDRAISING GIG: Featuring Skaboom and Red London and guests. 8pm Saturday 4 October, Camden Irish Centre, Camden Square, LONDON, England. Admission £5/4. All proceeds to Anti-Fascist Action
SAOIRSE MOBILISATION: Six-County wide rally. Sunday 5 October, COALISLAND, County Tyrone. Further details next week
INTERNATIONAL ANTI-FASCIST RALLY: 4pm Sunday 5 October, Camden Irish Centre, 52 Camden Square, LONDON, England. Stalls and videos. Speakers from leading militant Anti-Fascist groups in Europe and North America
FUASCAILT PICKET: For the immediate transfer of Irish political prisoners back to Ireland. 12-1.30pm Sunday 5 October, Downing Street, LONDON, England. Info from PO Box 3923, London NW5 1RA
ROSLEA MARTYRS BI-CENTENARY: Programme of events. Friday 10 October: Céilí in Derrygannon Hall commencing at 10pm. Music by the Emerald Céilí Band. Admission £3. Exhibition in hall; Saturday 11 October: Irish night in McCagues commencing at 9.30pm, ROSLEA, County Fermanagh. Music by Village Folk. Admission £5. Speaker: Caoimhghín O Cáoláin TD; Sunday 12 October: Anniversary Mass in St Tierney's, ROSLEA. Walk from Enniskillen Courthouse carrying three symbolic coffins to Roslea Graveyard, following the original route by way of Enniskillen, Maguirebridge, Nutfield Cross, Knocks, Errasalagh Cross Roads, Drumshancorrick, Roslea. Candlelit procession in Roslea. Planting of Liberty Tree. Laying of wreaths on the martyrs' graves. Bonfires on Carnrock, Potteagh and Drumshancorrick. Prominent speaker at graveyard, Mitchel McLaughlin and Presbyterian speaker
PRISON PICKET: Release all political prisoners. 1.30pm Saturday 11 October (please note amended date), Frankland Prison, Finchale Avenue, Brasside, DURHAM, England. Organised by the POW Campaign Group, Birmingham
FLUTE BAND: Anyone with band equipment they could offer to Lower Ormeau Sinn Féin should contact the cumann at their offices on Belfast 247512
Thursday 18 September. Nos: 19,20,21. No winner. 5 x £10 winners: 1st: Jackie Robbsion, 15051; 2nd: Eileen Kenna, 15077; 3rd: Nuala Babs, 15087; 4th: Des Connelly, 17993; 5th: Byrne family, 15154. Next weeks jackpot £200.
1st: £100, M Boland, no 319; £50, Kerrier, no 311; 3rd: £40, James Doyle, no 331; 4th: £30, S Caulfield, no 289; 5th: £20, A Flood, no 306; 6th: £10, R Doyle, no 329. Next draw this Friday 26 September at 8.30pm in the Widow Scallan's.
CORK SF LOTTO DRAW, 22 September
Nos: 9,16,18, jackpot £450.
Cork Republican Commemoration Draw, 31 August
1st: John Cronin; 2nd: Daithí Walsh; 3rd: Chris Walsh.
22 September. Nos: 5,12,14,18. J Kerr, Draperstown; H O'Connor, Draperstown; G McFalone, Maghera; J Breen, Maghera; M c/o Newbridge. Jackpot £1,000.