Republican News · Thursday 11 September 1997

[An Phoblacht]


Thursday 4 September

A triple suicide bombing in Jerusalem kills seven and injures over 200.

Hundreds attend a gala dinner on New York for the Sinn Féin delegation to the US


Friday 5 September

Dublin woman Annette Mangan, who falsely accused three Irishmen of rape is released from a Cypriot jail

Twelve Israeli soldiers are killed by guerrillas and Lebanese troops during an Israeli commando raid into the Lebanon.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta dies in India.

Cuba condemns bomb attacks on three Havana hotels which killed an Italian visitor.


Saturday 6 September

The funeral of English royal Diana Spencer takes place in London, with massive media coverage.

Nearly 100 people are killed on Friday and Saturday, most of whom were Muslim militants, by Algerian state forces.


Sunday 7 September

Former Zairean president Mobutu Sese Seko dies in the Moroccan capital Rabat, aged 66.

The Loyalist Volunteer Force threatens to begin a campaign in the 26 Counties.


Monday 8 September

26 County authorities seek the extradition of Dublin crime lord John Gilligan back to the state on charges relating to the death of journalist Veronica Guerin.

John Hume announces that he is not to run in the 26-County Presidential election later in the year.


Tuesday 9 September

The so-called fringe loyalist parties, the UDP and PUP, with links to the UDA and UVF respectively, pull out of the plenary session of the Stormont talks.

US Secretary of State Madelaine Albright begins her first visit to the Middle East.


Wednesday 10 September

David Trimble meets British Prime Minister Tony Blair in Downing Street.

Ray Burke addresses Leinster House on contributions he received from the a building contractor in 1989.

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