An Phoblacht/Republican News · Thursday October 26 1995
Irish News sponsors British recruiting drive
British army and RUC recruiting in Newry
THIS WEEK the Irish News aided Britain's post-ceasefire normalisation policy in the Six Counties when it sponsored a careers convention in Newry which included recruitment stalls for the British armed forces and the RUC.
On Tuesday, 24 October, for the first time in living memory, young people from the overwhelmingly nationalist border town were confronted by the slick PR front of Britain's killing machine. Far from demilitarising the British military - the real terrorists in Ireland - are actually recruiting.
Nowhere in the glossy brochures or the sales pitch of the men in suits who staffed the recruitment stalls was there a mention of the British record of murder in Ireland and other countries around the world. Rather, they were told enticing tales of high salaries, unlimited excitement and "challenging careers".
But local republicans with a more realistic view of Britain's military exploits turned the tables on the glossy brochure brigade. Their home-made placards identified the unpleasant home truths not mentioned by the smiling men in suits and ensured that their lies did not go unchallenged.
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