An Phoblacht/Republican News · Thursday November 30 1995
The news of the recent death of Kathleen Gleeson, Alexander Rise, Donagh, Lisnaskea was received by republicans and her many friends at home and abroad with deep sadness.
Kathleen who was born into a republican background was a life-long supporter and friend of the Republican Movement and held the hopes and aspirations of a free and united Ireland. During the hunger strikes her support was well known and the prisoners were always close to her heart.
During her later years she always encouraged younger republicans to hold firm to their ideals. To them her door was always open. Although advanced in years she took a keen and supportive interest in the peace process. The large crowd that followed her Tricolour-draped coffin from her home to the cemetery showed the high esteem in which she was held.
Sympathy is extended to her family and friends.