Thursday November 30 1995

[An Phoblacht/Republican News]

Christmas fudge

``Unless this approach to be announced removes the preconditions and gives us an opportunity to deal with all the injustices that have existed, that our people have endured as a result of British rule in this country, as a result of partition, then it will be worse than useless, to use the words of John Bruton.''

This was the view of Sinn Féin Ard Chomhairle member Martin McGuinness, speaking in Dublin just before the summit announcement by John Major and John Bruton this Tuesday.

On Wednesday, having seen the communiqué from both governments, Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams echoed this view, saying that the party would judge the document on the basis of whether it brought all-party talks without preconditions nearer.

He declared the document a ``fudge'', noting in particular the British government's failure to move on its decommissioning demand, but promised that republicans would address it positively. It remained to be seen whether it could be built upon.

Adams stressed that republicans would issue a response after studying the communiqué carefully and after the party had met to assess it. He expected Sinn Féin to issue that detailed response shortly.

Bitter words preceded deal
Twin-track troubleshooting
An air of unreality
United demand for talks
Countrywide demos say 'save the peace process'

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