Republican News · Thursday 1 November 2001

[An Phoblacht]

No prosecution for Meehan assault

The North's Director of Public Prosecutions has told republican Martin Meehan that a number of prison officers involved in an assault on him in 1988 will not face prosecution.

The assault took place in 1988, when Meehan, deemed a high risk prisoner, refused to comply with a wing move and was dragged from his cell. A riot squad was brought in and forcibly moved Meehan and during the forced move he suffered chipped elbow, lacerations and bruising.

In 1996, Meehan was awarded £14,000 when the NIO was held responsible for the injuries he received during the move. At the time of the hearing, none of the prison wardens involved on the assault appeared in court to give evidence, prompting the judge to say it proved they had no defence.

Now Meehan says he is prepared to take a civil action. "The judge in the compensation hearing ruled in my favour so I pushed the DPP to prosecute the guilty ones," he said. "That the DPP has refused to do so is an in indication of the type flawed justice nationalists in this State are receiving."

Meehan, who said he is flabbergasted by the decision, is now considering taking a civil action and he told An Phoblacht that "if that fails, I will take it to the European Court of Human Rights".

The Sinn Féin rep is already pursuing a civil action against an RUC squad who assaulted him in December 1994.

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