Republican News · Thursday 13 July 2000

[An Phoblacht]

Clarke Acknowledgement

Mary, Marie and Seámus, wife and children of the late volunteer Terry `Cleaky' Clarke, wish to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with us in our recent sad bereavement.

To those who sent mass, sympathy cards and flowers, who called at the house, phoned and helped in any why they could, and to all those who attended Terry's funeral; most especially all who travelled from the USA, England, Scotland and throughout Ireland. Your presence was much appreciated.

A special mention to Father Des wilson for the very moving tribute to Terry during the funeral mass. It comforted us greatly.

We specially would like to thank Terry's friends and comrades in the republican movement who paid him such a dignified and fitting tribute. Gerry ADams for his personal and uch appreciated oration and Martin Meehan for chairing the graveside ceremony. Thanks also to the National graves Association and the Committee and staff of the Felons Club.

To the doctors and nursing staff of the Day Haematology Clinic and Ward 22 of the R.V.H. who's care and attention for Terry and us made his most difficult tim easier to bear. We sincerely appreciate the time they gave us.

Thanks to the doctors and staff of Crossan and Higgins Practice, Carrickhill, and especially Doctor John Higgins who gave so much of his personal time to care for Terry. Thanks also to the local district nurses who cared for Terry at home and to all the staff at Flax Pharmacy.

To the staff and drivers of the Black Taxi Association, north and west Belfast. To marie's friends at Safeway Mace who have been so kind to her. To Mary Brady for the catering at the house, to the two Anns and kate who helped so much.

Thanks to tErry's friends who gave so much of their personal time to drive us to and from the hospital.

A special thanks to Colette who spent so much time with Terry and me during the last few nights of his illness.

To the Brown Brothers for their care and consideration and finally, as t would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we hope that this will be accepted by all as a token of our heartfelt appreciation.

Mary, Marie and Seámus Clarke

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