Republican News ยท Thursday 16 July 1998

[An Phoblacht]

Billy Reid band anniversary

The twentieth anniversary of the Billy Reid Republican Flute Band (RFB) in a social club in Glasgow was the venue for the international debut of Belfast group ``Tuan''.

The group was formed at the start of the year by Brendan `Bik' McFarlane and Terry `Cruncher' O'Neill. They are accompanied by Tony McCann on bass and Manuel McFarlane on flute and whistle.

At the anniversary bash presentations were made to Angela Bailey for her support of the RFB since its formation and to Zac Smith for his assistance to the band on its visits to Ireland. The presentations were made by Bik McFarlane.

Cruncher paid tribute to the Billy Reid RFB for their support over the last twenty years and for helping get the O'Neill-Allsopp RFB on the road.

Tuan were ably supported on the night by local Scottish group Saoirse.

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